


Found in 1978, Mr. Shun-Chi Huang found Kien Well Toy Industrial Company (known as KWC) in Tainan, the southern city of Taiwan. It was first established in Huang’s house with around 10 workers. We start off as a toy manufacturer and the most famous product is matchbox car.


With support & consult from Taiwan Toy Manufacturers Association (TTMA), KWC is the first toy manufacturer who successfully integrates computer system at work place and work with TTMA to promote computerization management.


KWC cooperates with top Japanese airsoft producer and switch business category from kid’s toys to professional airsoft. In the same year, we also move the production from a residence to a new plant site.


Our 1911 spring pistol series is a great hit in Japan market. Then the following year, we launch four more spring pistol series to diversify our product line.


As one of the first pioneers in Taiwan airsoft industry, Mr. Shun-Chi Huang helps to found the Taiwan Airsoft Development Association(TADA) in order to promote airsoft as a legal entertainment. He works with Taiwanese official Bureau for airsoft manufacturing regulation draw up. He is also elected as the first and second chairman of the association. In the same year, instead of only be an OEM factory, we establish the brand KWC and sold KWC products worldwide.


KWC launches our first gas blowback M92 replicas. It’s been a great success.


KWC is the first ISO 9002 certified airsoft manufacturer in Taiwan and is an international brand that selling worldwide. We also launch gas revolver replicas at the same year. It’s a great hit to the U.S.A market.


We introduce our first mid-size sub-machine gun replica with gas blowback system. It’s not only great in sales but also an iconic gas gun.


To bring our product to a higher level, we start to work on non-blowback CO2 replicas. The CO2 replicas are more reliable, the performance and consumption are better than gas. It is also known for better performance in cooler temperature.


KWC launches our first CO2 blowback pistol SIGMA-40F(KCB12), the high replication and blowback function bring a new trend to the market. Afterwards we successfully turn several other gas replicas into CO2 power replicas.


KWC did not flush out by the financial crisis in 2008 but we strive to bring our sales up to a new level. Proving that profession, honest and innovation are the key factors for KWC to grows steadily. KWC introduces a WWII classic pistol, full metal CO2 blowback 1911 replica. This has right away makes it to most popular replicas of all time.


KWC successfully passes the WalMart Ethical Supplier audit. This promotes our products to all customers through over 5,000 Wal-Mart stores in the USA.


KWC starts to construct a new headquarter in Tainan for the growing business, consolidating assembly line and warehouse into one location. As our goal of continuing growth and improvement, we pass the ISO9001 audit this year and we strive for best quality products.


New KWC headquarter has completed. Expecting to be a corporate who dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility for the market development, the welfare to employees and the expectations of the public, KWC always follow the sustainable development principles to confront the bigger challenge. KWC will lead all the employees to a new business peak in the coming future.